Tickets go on sale at Nashville's Belcourt Theatre (and on-line at www.belcourt.org),
Wednesday, October 6th for the award-winning documentary, SMILE 'TIL IT HURTS: THE UP WITH PEOPLE STORY.
The film dates are Monday, October ll and Tuesday, October 12 at 7:00 p.m. Former members of Nashville's Sing-Out South cast and anyone who traveled with UP WITH PEOPLE are urged to attend Monday's performance, which will be followed by a special question & answer session that will feature Lee Storey, the Director of the SMILE documentary, as well as Linda Blackmore Cates, a star of the original Sing-Out cast and UP WITH PEOPLE.

Linda is interviewed during the documentary. She presently lives in Franklin with her husband Bill Cates, who was also a driving musical force both in Sing-Out South and UP WITH PEOPLE.
Below, courtesy of YouTube is an inteview with Lee Storey conducted right after the release of SMILE 'TIL IT HURTS some months back. Here she gives some background on how and why she decided to make the documentary....
Ticket prices are $8.75 adults, $7.25 students and military with ID, $7.25 Children, 11 and under, $6.25, seniors (65+). For members of the Belcourt tickets are $5.75.
The SMILE film features never-before-seen archival footage of the UP WITH PEOPLE cast which were seen by over 20 million people world wide as well as being featured during the halftime of four different Super Bowls.
The video has won both praise and criticism from those previously involved with Sing-Out and UWP. The after-event question & answer session will give everyone a chance to discuss their thoughts and feelings, much as we often did back in our days in Sing-Out and UWP.
We can also take the opportunity to share our contact information as well as our thoughts and ideas about how to hold a 45th Reunion sometime during 2011 to celebrate the founding of Sing-Out South back in 1966. Both SOS and UWP members would be invited.
If you have any thoughts about SMILE or a possible reunion right now, please leave them here on the blog site below.
(Thanks to Bill Cates for the information on when the tickets go on sale!)